Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Creating art, looking at art, watching shows about art and artists fills a good portion of my day. Hopefully you have something that fills your day with joy. Here are some great links for artists and art lovers. I hope you enjoy them.

nycartmap02-768x665Hyperallergic, an incredible art blog, says…”New York City has over 1,000 monuments across the five boroughs, and the new NYC Public Art Map and Guide plots them on an interactive map. The digital interface, recently launched by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, is searchable by zip code and address, and includes both permanent and temporary installations.” So here’s a link to the site:




BasquiatWhile we’re still in the the television dull drums I thought I’d provide a link to and their listing of some great art movies (even though they didn’t mention Mr. Turner) Here’s the link





The Telegraph ( ran a story on an unbelievable flea market find and what the couple did!! Here’s the link


long-lost 500-year-old engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Durer has been found on sale for a few euros in a French flea market.





And this interesting art tool is just to much fun not to mention. www.drawlucy  Its a new Camera Lucida. ( I have no financial interest)DRaw Lucy

So there you have it. If there’s something you want to know about you can reach me at Until then:

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are verbs

Art, Coffee, tea and Blogs

Here’s another wonderful poster from the past. Of course it has to do with coffee. But you’ll find the links below are a bit more modern in their bent. So here we go, Enjoy!

Hauser Wirth & Schimmel in Los Angeles’ downtown art district is presenting an incredible view through the eyes of curator Jenni Sorkin. A wonderful look at 34 women sculptors that truly shaped abstract sculpture.

And if you are curious what’s selling in the art world, here’s a round up of what sold at the recent Armory show.

On the heals of what sold and while you’re scratching your head and wondering how these works could possible get this kind of money, nevermind the fact that this is what is considered art… I digress, here’s a take on art from the man who invented the term Generation X, Douglas Copeland.

Well that’s about it for now so remember

Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs

Three Roads to Now at the Larimer Art Center

This show was a joint show of three artists, Don, Lawrence Philp and Bill Brant.  Lawrence and Bill joined with Don at his request in the show. The show was at the Larimer Art Center in Palatka Florida in August 2013. Don’s work was painting, collage and sculpture because he wanted to show a different side of his work.

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